Our Honorary Event Chairs for 2024 are:
Andrea Kathol & Misty Homen
Ryan Ellis & Jon Taylor
Esther Mejia & Jeneen Sagon
Hand-passed foods, cocktails, and mocktails!
Friday, August 2, 2024 | 4-6 p.m. | The Diamond Room, 605 N 13th St, Omaha, NE 68102
Access the PDF version of our 2024 Humanitarian Awards Sponsorship form.
A Note From Event Chairs
We are honored and excited to serve as Event Chairs for the 2024 Inclusive Communities Humanitarian Awards on August 2, 2024. This is the third year Inclusive Communities is hosting their event in the popular Happy Hour format. We are so excited to share that the in-person celebration has moved to a larger venue in Downtown, The Diamond Room. We are proud to chair this celebration and continue our support for Inclusive Communities and ask you to join us in donating towards the success of the organization. Enclosed is a list of all donor levels and benefits.
Inclusive Communities has been an equity leader in the Midwest confronting prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination for over 85 years. This year we will honor Shakur Abdullah as our Humanitarian of the Year. His work as an advocate for the incarcerated and champion of criminal justice reform made him the clear choice for this year’s award. Melanie Peltz is our Otto Swanson Spirit of Service Partner of the Year for her dedication to ensuring the students of Ralston High School are able to attend our Youth Leadership Development program, IncluCity, as an Advisor and mentor to her students she is helping shape tomorrows leaders. We are privileged to have so many amazing volunteers that this year we decided to recognize two outstanding individuals that have been integral to the success of our IncluCity and Omaha Table Talk programs. Our honorees for Volunteer of the Year are Mia Kennedy and Suzanne King. Lastly, our Mart Sedky Corporate Leadership Award, which was created to recognize champions within business who are instrumental in driving Diversity and Inclusion work, will be honoring the late David Scott. David was an Advocate in our inaugural LeadDIVERSITY cohort and was a relentless champion for access to work for people with disabilities and neurodivergence. We are privileged to celebrate his legacy and the legacy of the awards namesake this year. Please join us in elevating our wonderful awardees and their impactful efforts to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, respect, and justice for all.
We hope you will support Inclusive Communities and its critical mission by joining us as a donor for this 2024 Humanitarian Awards. We look forward to seeing you in August!
Andrea Kathol & Misty Homen
Ryan Ellis & Jon Taylor
Esther Mejia & Jeneen Sagon
Video(s) Credit: Digital Moxie Studio
Thank you to our 2024 event sponsors!


Laura & Michael Alley
Tim & Terri Burke, in honor of the Mart Sedky Corporate Leadership Award
Annette & Paul Smith


Howard & Gloria Kaslow
Mike & Susan Lebens
Lueder Construction Company
Kevin & Lindsey Simmonds
Ryan Ellis & Jon Taylor

Daniel Gutman
Marlina & Dusty Davidson
Julie DeWitt & Andy Stoll
David Lempp
Roxanne Holler-Wiles & Sundae Holler-Wiles
Hobson & Denise Powell
Cris Riddle
Adam & Sarah Yale

Karen & Taylor Borchert
Dundee Bank
Boyd Jones
Ricky & Mary Fulton
Kirk Madsen
Stephen Osberg
Tim & Maryanne Rouse
Sherif Sedky
Todd & Betiana Simon
Drew & Meredith Weitz
Humanitarian of the Year
This award recognizes individuals for their outstanding service, contributions of time, effort and resources to the community and dedication to the goals, values and mission of Inclusive Communities.
- 1955 W.O. Swanson
- 1956 John Rosenblatt
- 1960 Gerald T. Bergan
- 1961 Morris E. Jacobs
- 1962 Milton S. Livingston
- 1963 Ralph Svoboda
V.J. Skutt - 1964 Richard Walker
Gen. Thomas Power - 1965 Dr. Abe Greenberg
- 1966 Leo A. Daly
- 1967 Peter Kiewit
- 1968 W.A. Strauss
Einer Juel - 1969 Fr. H.W. Linn
Rev. Carl Reinert - 1970 A.F. Jacobson
- 1971 Morris F. Miller
- 1972 Dr. A.B. Pittman
- 1973 J.D. Anderson & Eugene Leahy
- 1974 General John Meyer
- 1975 Sam Greenberg
Helen Cherniack - 1976 Ben Morris
Archbishop Daniel Sheehan - 1977 Milton R. Abrahams
Dr. Ronald Roskens - 1978 Dale Te Kolste
William Hinckley - 1979 John D. Diesing
Eugene Skinner - 1980 Fr. Robert P. Hupp
James Paxson - 1981 Rabbi Sidney Brooks
Dr. Claude Organ - 1982 John Kenefick
Tom Osborne - 1983 Charles A. Monasee
Thomas Nurnberger - 1984 Robert Daugherty
Lloyd Skinner - 1985 General Bennie Davis
Mike Harper - 1986 Walter Scott, Jr.
Dr. D.B. “Woody” Varner - 1987 Marge & Charles Durham
- 1988 Bernie Simon
Dr. Del Weber - 1989 General John T. Chain
Rev. Michael G. Morrison, SJ - 1990 Eugene A. Conley
Ike Friedman - 1991 Thomas R. Burke
Robert M. Spire - 1992 Thomas J. Skutt
Roy A. Smith - 1993 Marian & Harold Andersen
- 1994 Herman Cain
- 1995 Carmen & John Gottschalk
Howard J. Kaslow - 1996 Barbara & Bill Fitzgerald
Donald A. Yale - 1997 Liz & Dave Karnes
Alan Simon, Fred Simon, &
Steve Simon - 1998 Kimball & Bruce Lauritzen
Stanley Slosburg - 1999 Phillip G. Schrager
Harley D. Schrager
Ann & Ken Stinson - 2000 Jean & Bob Bell
Cookie & Jerry Hoberman - 2001 Cindy & Mogens Bay
Nancy & Harlan Noddle - 2002 Judy & Bob Bates
Debbie & Lew Trowbridge - 2003 Mary & Dick Holland
Susie Buffett - 2004 Judy & Jack Baker
Carol & G. Richard Russell - 2005 Ann & John Nelson
Maxine & Joseph Kirschenbaum - 2006 Rhonda & Howard Hawks
Gail & Michael Yanney - 2007 Lin & Michael Simmonds
George & The Late Karen
Rozmarin - 2008 Ivel & John Reed
Cindy & Wayne Sensor - 2009 Henry A. Davis
Shirley & Dr. Michael Sorrell - 2010 Mary Joy & Tal Anderson
Sharon & Dick Davis - 2011 The Late Dr. Rubens Pamies
Martha & David Slosburg - 2012 Susan & Michael Lebens
Dorothy & Dr. Stanley Truhlsen - 2013 Stephanie & Jack Koraleski
Betiana & Todd Simon
Stacy & Bruce Simon - 2014 Ramona & Deryl Hamann
Annette & Paul Smith - 2016 Marian Ivers (in memoriam)
- 2017 Tri Faith Initiative
- 2018 Urban League Nebraska
Young Professionals - 2019 Marta Nieves
- 2020 Bobby Brumfield
- 2021 Essential Workers
- 2022 Nancy Williams
- 2023 Echohawk Lefthand
- 2024Shakur Abdullah
Volunteer of the Year
This award is presented to one of Inclusive Communities’ committed volunteers who dedicate their time, energy, sweat, and passion to support our programming, advocacy, and mission.
- 2008 Mike Honeyman
- 2009 Hillary Nather-Detisch
- 2010 Christine French
- 2011 Emilio Herrera
- 2012 Ronald Moore
- 2013 Ebony Banks
- 2014 Kevin Custard
- 2016 Carrie Healy
- 2017 Nate Johnson
- 2018 Cornelius Rhone
- 2019 Emily Schirmbeck
- 2020 Haji Weliyo
- 2021 Alexis Sherman
- 2022 Bradley Ekwerekwu
- 2023 Kyle Dey
- 2024Mia Kennedy & Suzanne King
Otto Swanson Spirit of Service Award for Partner of the Year
This award is named after Otto Swanson, one of Inclusive Communities’ early founders, and honors individuals and groups whose lives or chosen field of work exemplifies the mission of Inclusive Communities.
- 1987 Kathleen Serverens
- 1988 Project Homeless
- 1989 Bob Armstrong
- 1990 Rev. James P. Scholz
- 1991 Shirley Goldstein
- 1992 Mary Dean Harvey
- 1993 Rabbi Aryeh Azriel
- 1994 Denny Holland
- 1995 Joe Edmonson
- 1996 William E. Ramsey
- 1997 Truman Care
- 1998 Frank Hayes
- 1999 Brenda J. Council
- 2000 Alcurtis Robinson
- 2001 Ben Gray
- 2002 Alberto Gonzalez
Steve Hogan
Bob Wolfson - 2003 Rev. John P. Schlegel, S.J.
- 2004 James A. “Jim” Swoopes
- 2005 Cecil L. Hicks, Jr.
Omaha Community Foundation - 2006 Fr. Thomas M. Fangman, Jr.
Dr. Magda Peck
Rev. L.C. Menyweather-Woods - 2007 Brad Ashford
Rabbi Myer Kripke
Retired Sergeant Teresa B. Negron - 2008 Carol Woods
Charles Drew Health Center
Fred Schott - 2009 Empowerment Network
Institute for Holocaust Education - 2010 Katherine Fletcher
- 2011 Evelyn “Evie” Zysman
- 2012 Susan & Michael Lebens
Dorothy & Dr. Stanley Truhlsen - 2013 OneWorld Community Health Center
- 2014 Maricia Bredar
- 2016 Carol Joy Holling Center
- 2017 Gene Haynes
- 2018 Lakeisha Bonam
- 2019 Barbara Weitz Community
Engagement Center - 2020 Omaha Public Power District
- 2021 OutNebraska
- 2022Pamela Duncan
- 2023The Urban Abbey & Rev. Debra McKnight
- 2024Melanie Peltz
Mart Sedky Corporate Leadership
This award is named in honor of the late Mart Sedky, sponsored by Tim & Terri Burke. It is presented to behind-the-scenes corporate leaders like Mart, who are strong advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace
- 2022 Joyce Cooper
- 2023 Amelis Long
- 2024David Scott (posthumous)
Necessary Trouble
- 2021Frederick Franklin
- 2022 Maddi Intravartolo
Humanitarian Awards Event Chairs
Humanitarian Awards Event Chairs have long been selected for their generosity to Inclusive Communities and leadership in the community. Many have been (or go on to be) honored at the same event with the Humanitarian Award. *Indicates they have already been honored.
- 1960 Morris E. Jacobs*
- 1961 E.F. Pettis
- 1962 Frank Fogarty
- 1963 Charles D. Peebler, Jr.
- 1964 Leo A. Daly*
- 1966 J.D. Anderson*
- 1967 V.J. Skutt*
Morris E. Jacobs* - 1968 Charles Peebler, Jr.
- 1969 Bruce G. Schwartz
- 1970 Paul C. McGrath
- 1971 W.A. Strauss*
- 1972 Thomas S. Numberger*
- 1973 Morris F. Miller*
- 1974 V.J. Skutt*
- 1975 J.D. Anderson*
Robert Runice - 1976 Leo A. Daly*
- 1977 John D. Diesing*
- 1979 Thomas H. Allen
- 1980 Charles. D Peepler, Jr.
- 1981 W.A. Strauss
- 1982 C.M. “Mike” Harper
- 1983 Richard D. McCormick
- 1984 Sam F. Segnar
- 1985 Thomas J. Skutt*
- 1986 John D. Woods
- 1987 Joseph L. Pfeister
- 1988 Janice D. Stoney
- 1989 Michael Walsh
- 1990 Robert D. Bates
- 1991 John Cochran
- 1992 William F. Welsh
- 1993 Sue & Walter Scott, Jr.*
- 1994 Dr. Del Weber*
- 1995 Kimball & Bruce Lauritzen*
- 1997 Anne & John Nelson*
- 1998 Gloria & Herman Cain*
- 1999 Judy & Jack Baker*
- 2000 John Gottschalk*
Lew Trowbridge* - 2001 Mary & Mickey Landen
Diny & Jim Landen - 2002 Beverly & Dr. Harold Maurer
- 2003 Ivel & John Reed*
- 2004 Susan Jaques & Gene Dunn
- 2005 Connie & Rick Spellman
- 2006 Sharon & Dick Davis*
- 2007 Betiana & Todd Simon*
- 2008 Ann & Ken Stinson*
- 2009 Carol & Rick Russell*
- 2010 Susan &Michael Lebens*
- 2011 Annette & Paul Smith*
- 2012 Ann & B rad Ashford
- 2013 Emily & Craig Moody
Laura & Michael Alley - 2014 Andrew Rouillard & Brent Thomsen
- 2016 Mike Fahey
- 2017 Andy Holland
- 2018 Jane D. & Thompson H. Rogers
- 2019 Mart & Sherif Sedky
- 2020 Rieko Ikeda-Hayes and Alex Hayes
- 2021 Tulani Grundy and
Othello Meadows - 2022Melanie Morrissey Clark & Fred Clark
- 2023Adam & Sarah Yale
- 2024Andrea Kathol & Misty Homen Esther Mejia & Jeneen Sagon Ryan Ellis & Jon Taylor